西早稲田にある『おにぎり屋かわしま 』さん
店内はカウンターがあり、木目と白基調の明るいお店です。お店で食事も出来るし、Uber で注文もOKです。(店内はお酒もありました。)
I went to take some photos of onigiri at a shop where a friend who has been kind to me for a long time and has been a good friend of mine works.
Rice is the staple food of the Japanese people, grown carefully and slowly every day by farmers.
Rice cooked with fresh, clean water, fresh ingredients and salt are the ultimate luxury for Japanese people.
It's a moment when I can't help but say, "I'm glad to be Japanese!"
The shop that cooperated with us in this shoot is "Onigiri-ya Kawashima" in Nishi-Waseda.
Apparently, even before opening the shop, the owner had been eating his way around Tokyo, conquering all the onigiri. This onigiri shop is particular about the ingredients as well as the taste, so if you're in the area, or for lunch at a sports day or school trip in the coming season, please buy some.
The shop has a counter and is a bright shop with a wood grain and white theme. You can eat at the shop, or order via Uber. (They also have alcohol in the shop.)

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